How to hire a Javascript Developer and be happy with the results?

Javascript Developer


Companies must have high-class websites, applications, and software to remain competitive in a digital commercial space. The programming language you will use for your project will determine if the end product will function as required. According to statistics, 97.7% of websites use JavaScript to design applications and software. Thus, JavaScript is among the most used programming languages because of the quality of its applications and software.

The quality of the results you get from a project depends on the JavaScript developer you hire for the job. An experienced JavaScript developer can customize the web application or mobile application to suit your business’s needs. However, picking a suitable JavaScript developer can be challenging because of the numerous software houses offering the service.

In this article, we define who a JavaScript developer is and highlight their roles. More so, we provide the benefits of working with a software house for a JavaScript project. Lastly, we offer insights into how to hire a JavaScript developer whose work will exceed expectations.

Let’s dive in.

Who is a JavaScript Developer?

A JavaScript developer is an expert who develops applications and software using JavaScript. Most businesses hire a JavaScript developer for web applications, software, or mobile app development. The roles of a JavaScript developer include:

  • Optimizing applications for scalability and speed.
  • Creating quality UX/UI designs.
  • Working with web developers for front-end and back-end projects.
  • Scrutinizing the code, system risks, software dependability, and requirements.
  • Modifying the designs and specs of complicated apps.

Benefits of working with a software house for JavaScript projects

Retaining a software, applications, or web development team in your business may sound like an attractive idea. Nonetheless, the cost of keeping an in-house team and the quality of your JavaScript projects may be enough to consider outsourcing to a software house. A software development company has the resources, expertise, and team needed to deliver quality results.

Read this section to see the advantages of hiring a software house for JavaScript projects.

1. Timely project completion

A company may have a time limit for when it intends to use JavaScript applications or software. For instance, event planners may want their software to be ready at a particular time to serve their customers better. An in-house development team may not complete the task on time because of a lack of expertise, insufficient resources, or understaffing.

Working with a software house guarantees the timely completion of the task. An outsourced software developer has enough resources and staff needed to handle the project. Furthermore, the professionals can complete the project fast because they can avoid errors.

2. Cost-effectiveness

Working with an in-house tech team for your JavaScript project can be expensive. Internal employees need a monthly salary plus benefits. Since the JavaScript project might be a one-time thing, working with in-house staff might be money-consuming.

A software house saves you money. Outsourcing JavaScript development to a software company removes the burden of paying salaries, employee benefits, and sick offs. Furthermore, a software house allows you to hire a JavaScript developer who can meet your company’s needs.

3. Remain focused on core business

A JavaScript project can take your team's concentration away from the firm’s core functions. For instance, a restaurant wishing to use JavaScript to develop a website may forget to enhance the quality of its dishes. Customers can walk away from the business if they fail to get services worth their money.

Entrusting the JavaScript project to a development company frees your internal workers. The software house’s employees will handle everything on your behalf. Thus, you will have more time to focus on quality products and service delivery.

4. Access to an experienced team

The primary benefit of hiring a software development firm is that you will have access to the best talent. Most software development firms hire software developers to train their employees to ensure they have the necessary skills for the job. For this reason, the workers can deliver the desired results for your JavaScript project.

More so, outsourced software developers have handled similar projects in the past. The specialists will understand how to deal with the Internet of Things, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and enhancing user experience. Thus, you can be sure your JavaScript project will complete on time and serve your business needs.

5. Reliable backstage partner

The changing security and compatibility issues require software, applications, and websites to stay up-to-date. However, an in-house IT team might lack the capacity, resources, or time to perform regular updates and security checks.

If you hire a software development company, you will have people on standby to perform backups and upgrades. Outsourcing JavaScript projects will protect your business from cyberattacks and ensure compliance. Besides, it means you hire JavaScript developers available 24/7 to support you with anything you require.

6. Increase your firm’s competitiveness

A company should have and utilize its strategic resources to thrive in a competitive commercial industry. Software or applications could be strategic resources if it solves customer issues and it is hard to imitate for competitors.

If you outsource JavaScript development, you will access a team that delivers a quality end product. The project you will get will give you an advantage over rivals who may not have a similar application or software. Therefore, you can become an industry leader by working with a software house.

Moreover, professionals will not leak the secret of creating an application or software. Experts understand copyright and follow the confidentiality principle when performing the task. Hence, your competitors may never know the codes of your efficient application or software.

javascript developers

How to hire a JavaScript developer who is right for your business?

The success of a JavaScript project depends on the developer you choose for the task. Picking a suitable JavaScript developer or software house may be challenging because of the available options. Follow the tips below to understand the considerations for selecting an excellent JavaScript developer.

1. Type of project

The first thing you must consider is the kind of JavaScript project you need. If you wish to improve your application's user interface (UI), you should hire a front-end JavaScript developer. Front-end developers are familiar with Angular, Vue.js, and React required for creating quality interfaces.

A back-end JavaScript developer is perfect if you want to create and maintain the mechanisms that handle data on the software or web application. The professionals focus on security, data storage, and updates.

A full-stack JavaScript developer can be suitable for front and back development projects. The perfect thing about full-stack developers is that they handle all project tasks under one package. A software development company gives you a full-stack developer since they have the human resources to complete a project from end to end.

2. Communication skills

A JavaScript project might be challenging to understand for someone not proficient in programming. When hiring a JavaScript developer, you must ensure they have excellent communication skills. The JavaScript developer should explain technical terms in a language your project team can understand.

An excellent communicator can listen, address and communicate project complications effectively. The trait enables your team to avoid mistakes and minimize hazards.

3. Portfolio

Remember to check the portfolio of a JavaScript developer when hiring them. A portfolio assists you to understand the technology stack the candidate has used in the past.

When hiring a JavaScript developer, find someone who has handled a similar project previously. For example, a back-end specialist will be suitable for data processing and integration in a web application project. The objective is to hire an expert who will deliver quality results.

4. Data privacy awareness

Web applications and software are a hot target for hackers who want to gather data for selfish interests. A 2021 data breach report by the Identity Theft Resource Centre (ITRC) shows there were around 1,862 data breaches in 2020. Such statistics show the value of protecting company data stored on software against hacks and malicious attacks.

Hire a JavaScript developer who understands and complies with data privacy regulations. The move will help you avoid huge fines imposed by the government if data breaches happen. Besides, more data privacy guarantees users of their safety when using the application or software.

5. Client reviews

The organizations and business owners who have worked with a developer understand the quality of their services better than everyone else. Go through the client reviews on the JavaScript developer website. The move will give you an idea of the quality of work you expect from the developer or software company and their availability for future support.

Final remarks

A JavaScript development project could be the difference between a successful business and a struggling company. Your project does not have to be complicated since you can work with a software house. Outsourcing JavaScript development ensures timely project completion, reduces costs, increases your business’s competitiveness, and lets you focus on your core business.

Hiring a perfect JavaScript developer should help you get results worth your money. You must consider the type of project, experience level, portfolio, communication skills, and client reviews to determine a suitable developer. Ensure you find a developer with qualities that suit your business.

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