Data & AI solutions

Mobile app development

Develop your mobile app with the industry experts

Check out our latest project using AI

heartly logo

AI-driven business insights with Heartly

Discover Heartly, the AI-powered web application providing real-time KPIs and insights for effective business decision-making, now with the intelligent AskMe virtual assistant.

Case study

Our services

AI-enabled apps development

We create user-friendly apps embedded with AI to streamline your business operations.

Custom AI solutions that fits your business needs

Our team crafts personalized AI solutions that cater specifically to your business challenges.

Data analysis, prediction, forecast, and visualization

We convert intricate data into understandable insights using compelling visualizations.


Why choose our AI services?

Higher customer engagement

Our apps are designed with customer engagement in mind, giving you unique insights into how customers interact with your brand.

Increased revenue

Qarbon IT can develop a custom mobile app for your company that provides a seamless and excellent user experience, leading to increased revenue.

Greater reach

With our mobile app development services, you can tap into a global market that is always on their phone.

Empowering business growth with Data & AI

Automate tasks, make data-driven decisions, improve customer experience, stay ahead of the competition, and scale your business with ease. Embrace AI and unlock growth opportunities today!

Why choose our mobile app development services?

We are your trusted partner for businesses seeking to realize the various benefits of mobile apps. With decades of experience in developing lucrative and highly engaging mobile apps, we deliver an exceptional level of expertise and guidance throughout the entire development process. In addition, our custom application development services are adjusted for the unique needs of each business, ensuring that the end product is ideally suited for its target audience.

Higher customer engagement
Our apps are designed with customer engagement in mind, giving you unique insights into how customers interact with your brand.
Increased revenue
Qarbon IT can develop a custom mobile app for your company that provides a seamless and excellent user experience, leading to increased revenue.
Greater reach
With our mobile app development services, you can tap into a global market that is always on their phone.


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Our case studies

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Ready to elevate your business with AI?

Let's discuss how our AI solutions can transform your operations
Contact us
Oskar Pawlicki
Head Of Growth